Friday, February 8, 2008

Oh Well

I would say you were a waste of my time... but you weren't..
I would say I never liked you...but i do....
I would say I hated you...but i don't..
I would say I can't forgive you...but i'm not going to lie...
I would say you were the best thing for me...but you weren't...
I would say i've moved on...but i haven't..
I would say that i'm never going to talk to you again...but hey, you never know...
I would say that you never cared about me...but i think you maybe did..
I would say hammer me...but i'd never say that...
I would tell you that you didn't break my heart...but you did....
I would tell you that i never liked you...but i felt more than love toward you, i thought....
I would say bye..but that could mean forever.....
I would tell you to leave me alone...but I still care.......
I would have done anything in the world for you...but forget that.....
I would tell you this to your face...but if i was you i wouldn't come around my house for awhile....
I would try to talk this out...but i know it'd just amke things worse for me....
I would you must hate me to have done this... but I don't wanna hear your reaction.....
I would like to have you back...but OH WELL......

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